Query your S3-hosted CSV data like a SQL database with Drill!
·Apache Drill can turn CSVs into a cloud-hosted database.
There is a large and growing ecosystem of tools around the Hadoop project, tackling various parts of the problem of analyzing data at scale. One of the projects I find most interesting is Apache Drill, a query engine that can translate ANSI-complete SQL queries into map-reduce statements that it runs against a variety of non-relational storage backends: HBase, MongoDB, local files, and one that I found most interesting: S3.
Of course we all love the CSV file format for tabular data and the SQL language for querying relational data. Both are universally supported, well understood, and battle tested over decades.
There’s a newer standard that I love as well: S3. it’s incredibly easy to use and understand, cheap, reliable, and works over the internet using the standard HTTP tools that power the rest of the web. There are also plenty of vendors out there that offer storage services that are API-compatible with S3, so while S3 itself is a single vendor’s product, it has also become a de facto standard for object storage on the web.
Apache Drill can tie these three awesome standards together and make data analysis on distributed data over the web fast and easy.
Getting Started
I like to play around with the USGS Great Lakes Commercial Fishing Data
because I love the Great Lakes, the data is pretty interesting, and it is
available in easy to parse CSV files. For this exercise I uploaded the data to
an S3 bucket called drill-demo
. If you want to follow along, go ahead and do
the same and make sure you have an IAM user created that has at least the
policy attached and has access to the bucket. You’ll
need that user’s access key and secret key later.
To get Drill up and running, do the following:
Create an EC2 instance running Ubuntu 14.04 and install Drill.
You’ll need to make sure that the security group you launch this instance allows inbound SSH connections and inbound connections on TCP port 8047 from your IP address. Drill’s web console listens on port 8047. I used a t2.large instance so Drill would have the 8GB of RAM that it wants. Once it is up and running, SSH into it to run the following commands:
ubuntu@<hostname>:~$ sudo apt-get install default-jdk
ubuntu@<hostname>:~$ curl -o apache-drill-1.6.0.tar.gz http://apache.mesi.com.ar/drill/drill-1.6.0/apache-drill-1.6.0.tar.gz
ubuntu@<hostname>:~$ tar xvfz apache-drill-1.6.0.tar.gz
ubuntu@<hostname>:~$ cd apache-drill-1.6.0
Add your IAM credentials.
You need to tell Drill which credentials to use to access S3, so edit
and enter your IAM Access Key and Secret Key:
Start Drill.
ubuntu@<hostname>:~$ ./bin/drill-embedded
If you get an unknown host error, you may need to edit the /etc/hosts
and add an entry for your hostname and IP address. You can view your IP
address with this command:
ubuntu@<hostname>:~$ /sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet addr' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{print $1}'
and then add it to your /etc/hosts
file with this command:
ubuntu@<hostname>:~$ sudo sh -c 'echo "<YOUR IP ADDRESS> `hostname`" >>/etc/hosts'
Then re-run the ./bin/drill-embedded
Configure the S3 storage plugin.
Open a browser and point it at http://<public ip>
:8047/ where <public ip>
is the public IP address for your instance shown in the EC2 console. Click the
“Storage” nav link, then click the “Update” button next to the “dfs” plugin,
and copy the JSON document there to your clipboard. Then click “Back”, and if
there is already a plugin named “s3” click its “Update” button, otherwise
create a new storage plugin named “s3”. Paste in the JSON from your clipboard,
and edit the connection
field to look like the following:
"connection": "s3a://<s3-bucket-name>/",
replacing <s3-bucket-name>
with the name of your bucket. Note that the
default configuration of Drill assumes you are actually using Amazon S3, and so
its default endpoint is s3.amazonaws.com
. If you are using an S3-compatible
provider you will need to do additional configuration in core-site.xml
, as
If you have put your files into the root directory of your bucket you are good to go, otherwise you may want to edit the “root” workspace location to be the folder containing your files.
Now click the “Update” and “Enable” buttons, and you are all set.
Do SQL to your data!
At this point you can go back to your SSH session where the Drill prompt is
waiting for you to query the data. Assuming that your storage plugin is named
and the root
workspace contains your CSV files, you can use the USE
command in Drill to set that as your default workspace:
0: jdbc:drill:zk=local> USE `s3`.`root`;
| ok | summary |
| true | Default schema changed to [s3.root] |
1 row selected (1.448 seconds)
Cool! Now we can just access our CSVs like they were SQL tables!
0: jdbc:drill:zk=local> SELECT * FROM `LAKE.csv`;
| columns |
| ["LAKE","LAKE_NAME"] |
| ["1","Superior "] |
| ["2","Michigan "] |
| ["3","Huron "] |
| ["4","St. Clair"] |
| ["5","Erie "] |
| ["6","Ontario "] |
7 rows selected (1.088 seconds)
Huh, that’s weird. These CSV files all have a header row but Drill doesn’t
know to use it. To fix that, we can edit our s3
storage plugin again, adding
"extractHeader": true,
to the options for the csv
format. Save the change
and Drill immediately picks it up, no need to restart:
0: jdbc:drill:zk=local> SELECT * FROM `LAKE.csv`;
| 1 | Superior |
| 2 | Michigan |
| 3 | Huron |
| 4 | St. Clair |
| 5 | Erie |
| 6 | Ontario |
6 rows selected (0.865 seconds)
Much better! CATCH.csv
is the biggest file, containing each individual catch
recorded by the study. Let’s see how many records there are. We can’t do a
because we have extractHeader
turned on, so we need to
pick an actual column to count:
0: jdbc:drill:zk=local> SELECT COUNT(CATCH_ID) FROM `CATCH.csv`;
| EXPR$0 |
| 2800764 |
1 row selected (9.182 seconds)
2.8 million records counted in about 9 seconds – not blazingly fast by any means, but considering we’re doing this over the web, not too shabby! We could no doubt speed things up by using a cluster of Drill nodes rather than just the single, “embedded” instance we are using now.
Let’s try a join and an aggregation. The DEPTH1
field contains the beginning
depth of the catch, in fathoms, so let’s take a look at that, converting it to
0: jdbc:drill:zk=local> SELECT `LAKE.csv`.LAKE_NAME, AVG(CAST(`EFFORT.csv`.DEPTH1 AS INT))*6
. . . . . . . . . . . > FROM `CATCH.csv`
. . . . . . . . . . . > JOIN `EFFORT.csv` ON `CATCH.csv`.EFFRT_ID = `EFFORT.csv`.EFFRT_ID
. . . . . . . . . . . > JOIN `IDENTIFY.csv` ON `CATCH.csv`.RPRT_ID = `IDENTIFY.csv`.RPRT_ID
. . . . . . . . . . . > JOIN `LAKE.csv` ON `IDENTIFY.csv`.LAKE = `LAKE.csv`.LAKE
. . . . . . . . . . . > WHERE `EFFORT.csv`.DEPTH1 IS NOT NULL AND `EFFORT.csv`.DEPTH1 <> ''
. . . . . . . . . . . > GROUP BY `LAKE.csv`.LAKE_NAME;
| Superior | 259.41383426656904 |
| Erie | 49.724441190057675 |
| Michigan | 120.11003070055284 |
| Huron | 61.84580334925012 |
| Ontario | 20.343089633412212 |
5 rows selected (17.582 seconds)
There you have it – average catch depth in feet for each of the great lakes.
In a follow-up blog post, I’ll show how you can connect to Drill via ODBC so you’re not limited to just raw SQL and can integrate Drill into your data analysis pipeline!