Multi-Cloud Is The Default In Higher Ed
·If your enterprise is starting today, you should absolutely follow the advice of Corey Quinn and standardize on a single cloud provider. In the world of higher education, however, the enterprise began hundreds of years ago and things look a little different.
Let a Thousand PaaSes Bloom
·A brief but unassailably accurate history of deploying web apps:
Using GitHub Actions Job Outputs and Environment Files
·I’ve been fighting my GitHub Actions workflow all day and finally won, so I might as well get a quick blog post out of it!
Visual Studio Code on iPad with Tailscale and code-server
·I’ve been learning Elixir recently, primarily as an excuse to futz around and set up a development environment using my iPad Air (with “Smart Keyboard Folio”).
I can’t believe this works as well as it does.
AWS Needs More (Permissions) Containers
·Did you know that AWS and Azure both have something called “Resource Groups”, and they mean completely different things?
And that only one of them is useful?